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Reebok Furylite (School's Out Pack)

Reebok Furylite Pack 2
Reebok Furylite Pack 1
Reebok Furylite Pack 3
Reebok Furylite Pack 4
Reebok Furylite Pack 5
Reebok Furylite Pack 6
Reebok Furylite Pack 7

A lot of kids are getting excited right about now, as schools get ready to shut up shop for summer, letting the young'uns take to the streets or get out in the great outdoors... or be forced into slave labour for fast food restaurants for three months. They're gonna need some footwear to keep those high baseline spirits up and Reebok are coming through with the goods, dropping a bunch of fresh . Bright colour is the name of the game, as we see reds, purples and blues abound across the four-pack. They're available from Finish Line, Eastbay and right now.

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