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Watch! The Pappas Brothers' Tragic Story Finally Told


After touring the international film festival circuit for what seems like an aeon, on Wednesday night Melburnians finally had the chance to see All This Mayhem – a biographical documentary feature film detailing the rise and fall of Melbourne's legendary Pappas brothers. For those who have never heard of them, Tas and Ben Pappas grew up in the grimy Melbourne suburb of St Albans where they were faced with more than their fair share of adversity. At an early age they channeled their energy into vert skateboarding and within a matter of years became world number 1 and 2 respectively. Unfortunately their fight to the top took its toll and both Tas and Ben turned to drugs. What followed is too heavy to summarise in a blog post but it resulted in jail time for both and in Ben's tragic death.

The film has been a long time coming, originally initiated by a director who aimed to demonise the brothers and extract Tas from the film making equation. Childhood friends director  Eddie Martin and videographer Greg Stewart intervened and have done the story more than justice, they've created a masterpiece. The film opens up with Tas making a profound statement, 'There are three sides to every story. Your side, my side and the truth.' Eddie has told the truth, and as harsh as it may be, it's incredible. Five stars!

All This Mayhem premiered yesterday in Australia at Dendy Cinema in Sydney and Nova Cinema in Melbourne, with a limited run set for the Untied States and England. Read more about the story here and here.

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