Shoes Up X New Balance Creative Contest
For the first time in its history, offers Internet users and readers of the chance to create their very own model, utilising the 576 and 1700 template. The winning contestant will have a once in a lifetime trip to the New Balance Flimby Factory in England, witnessing first hand the construction of their sneaker. The model will then be released worldwide with a limited release of 600 pairs. This is your chance to become that sneaker designer you always dreamt you could be, so get your thinking caps on, your photoshop up to scratch and fingers crossed. To better your chances, have opened the competition to an unlimited number of entries per person, so go for gold! Details below.
A creation contest based on two mythical models of the New Balance brand : the 576 and 1700. It is an open contest. As long as you have a computer or fingers to draw, colour, cut, stick and send us the result of your imagination.
The participation bureau will be open until June, the 10th. Number of propositions per participants is unlimited.
Download the virgin templates of the 576 and 1700 . Then send us your propositions:
- by e-mail to (unlimited participations).
- by mail to
Shoes-Up NBCC
32, rue Pastourelle
75003 Paris
The winners will be taken to England, at New Balance's design offices and Flimby factory to follow the design and manufacturing process of their models. They will therefore be the very first ones to discover and try the samples of their models. 600 pairs of each winning style will be produced and sold all around the world. The most interesting models will be exhibited in September in a Shoes-Up and New Balance event.
Follow all the news on the New Balance Creative Contest at the or go directly to the .