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20 Jan 2007

Industry News

Female Sneaker Fiends - Rosemary (Goliath)

Female Sneaker Fiends Rosemary Goliath 1
Female Sneaker Fiends Rosemary 2

Ladies, do you still get surprised when you see another female rockin’ those Stussy Dunks? Dudes, are you still shocked when a woman walks by with the Rayguns you’ve been sweating for months? Well, those days are gonna be getting mighty regular, real quick. Females are blowing up the sneaker world right now! Don’t believe it? Check this out…we got females not just hunting, not just collecting, but representing all aspects of the sneaker game. This article highlights just a few of the women who are holding it down for the ladies all over the world. Nike, look out for Pointer and Rose Choules. Alife, don’t sleep on Rosemary Frazier of GoliathRF. Sabotage, respect KGiovanna and her hungry-hungry customs. And Sneaker Freaker, keep an eye out for that crazy lady kickin’ it up on her website...

How did you pick the name of your store?
The name came about from a joke. Goliath to mean big, taking over. So we are taking over Harlem, so to speak. We opened in September 2004. Although Goliath is the only boutique in Harlem we are starting something that will soon become the norm here.

Did you work in any sneaker stores before you came here?
Never! But I shopped in a lot of them!

Wow, so how many sneakers do you have?
I have about 90 now. Which, for a collector, is not really a lot, but for a girl collector…it probably would be more but they don’t make a men’s sneaker down to my size sometimes. Otherwise it’d be many more.

What are you wearing on your feet today?
Today I am wearing my Navigation Shox.

Getting down to business, what would you say to a woman who wanted to open a sneaker store?
Just do it. Anything in life worth having comes with hard work.

What has been the most important decision you have made?
Buying product I know I like and would wear. Sticking to purchasing items that are quality products.

How long do you have to be in the business before you make money?
That is too general a question. It all depends on the goals of your store. Is your goal to be successful or to make huge profits? The time scale on either could come first. It depends on what you call ‘success’. Is it monetary? Any business can take a couple of years before you turn a real profit. Don’t judge success by monetary rewards. Success could come first and money second.

What was the biggest challenge of your first year?
Staying in business, having product to offer your consumer. Especially

if you do not have a Nike account. You have to make connections and establish yourself amongst others in this business as a serious business- minded person. On the outside things look fun, but behind the scenes you are working constantly.

Are there customer questions that just make you roll your eyes?
Well, it depends on how the question’s presented. Sometimes people come in and are like, ‘Why are your sneakers so expensive?’ Depending on the mood I’m in, I’ll say, ‘Let me explain to you…’ Or I’ll say, ‘You know what? If you can find them somewhere else cheaper, go ahead.’ And then they usually come back and say, ‘Oh, I couldn’t find those anywhere.’ Now that is why they’re the price they are. Cuz I found them for you. I did the search for you. And they keep coming back.

20 Jan 2007

Industry News

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