11 Aug 2017

Industry News

LeBron And HBO Are Working On A Comedy About Sneakers

Lebron Hbo Show 3
Lebron Hbo Show 2

Let’s be real for a sec, there’s plenty to laugh about when it comes to sneakers (Kobe 2s, anyone?), and those who've worked in sneaker stores will have plenty of cringe-worthy stories to share. Word on the streets is  plans to tap into that free-flowing fountain of comedic inspiration for a new HBO show.

Deadline reports that the unnamed show in development focuses on two friends working in a sneaker store just outside LA. And while we’re suss on the NBA star's knowledge re the daily grind of a shop floor, we have no doubt that writers Shawn Wines and Lemon Andersen will have plenty of material to work with once they put pens to paper.

Now that the wheels are in motion, we’ll be keeping an eye out for any further info as the weeks roll on. Stay tuned.

11 Aug 2017

Industry News

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