Larry Luk Creates Air Jordan 1 Study Rug

Larry Luk Study Rug Sneaker Freaker
Larry Luk Rug Sneaker Freaker 2

Sneakerhead students, have your grades been slipping lately? It sure is hard to keep up with your homework when you're spending your weekends with hand hovering over the mouse, trying to secure your size before someone else snaps it up. Until now, you've probably had to choose between A+ grades or A+ sneaker game.

Thankfully, illustrator Larry Luk has come to the rescue. The designer's created an study rug that features nearly every hyped AJ1 release we've seen recently (peep the Banned, the Shatter Backboard, the Black Toe, the Chicago, the Royal...).

We can't promise this rug will improve your grades, but perhaps having some of the Heir's spirit underfoot will force your procrastination to take flight. Even if you're just kicking it in the school of life right now, the piece will fit in nicely next to your sneaker collection. And, if you're not the rugged type, a variety of sneaker-inspired prints can be purchased through Luk's site.

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