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Kanye West Is Trolling You

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You've surely seen it already, the worst music video of all time.. of ALL time! premiered the clip for his soft rap number 'Bound 2' on Ellen earlier today (because that's the most respectable platform to premier videos for self-respecting musicians). It features acres of Kim Kardashian's velvety golden skin as she goes shirtless in the name of art, she also writhes around on a motorbike with a fully clothed Kanye, presumably because his body is not top notch right now – he's just had a baby, people, he deserves to hit the Cheetos and let himself go a little!
The negative reaction to the video was swift and punishing. It has been decried as the final nail in the sea coffin Kanye was buried in after he jumped the shark a year or so ago, and Twitter users have had to develop new ways of conveying their desire to vomit while watching this. What everyone seems to be missing, however, is Kanye's wicked grin as all this goes on – the man knows exactly what's happening! The absurd obvious green screen with stock landscape footage, the vibrating motorbike clothed love making, the out of time dance moves, premiering it on Ellen – Kanye's even wearing pretty awful clothes in this, like whack stuff that was hot three years ago. Can't you see he's trolling you? He's doing it all just to get the reaction, and he's laughing at us looking down from the top of his icy Yeezus mountain. Our hate is trying to bring him down, but we can't even reach Mount Yeezy base camp, the dude is above the clouds. Kanye, you were right, you are a creative genius, this is your most brilliant social experiment yet, bravo.

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