JD Sports Acquire French Retailer Courir For 520 Million Euros

UK sneaker retailer have been on a shopping spree of late. After acquiring US retailers and in 2021 and back in 2018, the US market seemed to be a major point of focus. Now JD Sports are heading back across the Atlantic and have announced that they’ve acquired French sneaker retailer for an estimated value of 520 million Euros, according to .
Founded in 1980, Courir have 283 stores in France and 320 in Europe in total, with 31 more in Northwest Africa and the Middle East. The acquisition isn’t expected to be completed until the second half of 2023 as the deal needs approval from the European Union Law. Courir management will consult through the purchasing process in accordance with French law as well.
JD Sports stated that Courir ‘would maintain its identity and would run autonomously from JD’s French operations’ as the UK-based retailer wants to expand their premium sneaker network and the women’s sneaker market.
‘This proposed acquisition is in line with that growth strategy, as Courir operates stores with a primary focus on the female consumer. Leveraging Courir’s extensive knowledge in managing female-oriented stores would significantly broaden the capabilities and global opportunities across the Group,’ JD states.