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Healthcare Workers Receive adidas 4D-tech Face Shields to Help Fight COVID-19

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To help those on the COVID-19 frontline, adidas and Carbon have used their 4D tech to create special 3D-printed face shields and, less than a week after the announcement, healthcare workers have already received them!

Making use of the tear-resistant material called Elastomeric Polyurethane, typically used in 4D midsoles, the face shields can be sanitised and reused, with the hopes of eliminating waste during a time of scarcity. On top this, the face shields are also meant to be comfier than those made with traditional materials.

‘Through our support and the quick production turnaround that 3D printing enables, Carbon has been able to scale production from 18,000 face shields a week to upwards of 50,000,’ says adidas.

‘To scale even further, Carbon is also sharing print files with its entire global network so anyone with access to a Carbon printer and material will be able to create face shields to address needs in their local areas.’

Organisations in need can submit a request here or by email to [email protected]. The team will respond to as many requests as possible, prioritising those areas that have the most severe shortages and greatest need.

Kudos goes out to Team Trefoil for their ongoing support during the pandemic, with their face shields adding to the UltraBOOST pairs gifted to healthcare workers last week.

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