Female Sneaker Fiend
I became a member of Female Sneaker Fiend way back at it’s inception in 2005, when I struggled to find a forum for an exclusively female only website catering to my needs as a lady in the footwear scene. I was lucky enough to strike up a close friendship with FSF creator and head honcho Lori Lobenstine, and since then we, along with a massive group of ladies, have endeavoured from both sides of the globe to bring awareness and a home for females wanting to spread their love and knowledge of sneakers. What a difference a few years can make. Female Sneaker Fiend has seen many a makeover, finally becoming a fully-fledged website with blog, store, forum, myspace, gallery and so much more. With over 14,000 members signed up, it is proof that the ladies have a voice and they are screaming at the top of their lungs. FSF has always had a close affiliation with Sneaker Freaker and we hope that with the rejuvenated website, they will see many more years of success and create more noise in a scene once thought to be dominated by males.