Fear(S) Of The Dark At Rooftop Cinema
Film Appreciation Night #1 Hosted by The Jacky Winter Group
Wednesday 19th November, Doors 8pm
Rooftop Cinema, Rooftop, Curtin House, 252 Swanston St Melbourne
Children are afraid of the dark but many adults also are! Darkness prevents from seeing, and we can then persuade ourselves that we are surrounded by beasts, insects or any other malevolent creature. In colloquial language, we talk about "dark ideas", "living in dark misery" or "having dark premonitions"… This feeling of uneasiness can be traced back to the mists of time.
Blutch, Charles Burns, Marie Caillou, Pierre di Sciullo, Jerry Kramsky, Lorenzo Mattotti, Richard McGuire, Michel Pirus, Romain Slocombe, went back to the origins of their terrors and agreed to animate their drawings and inspire them, each one in his unique style, with the rhythm of their nightmares. Fear(s) of the dark is a feature film, with Etienne Robial as its art director.
Fear(s) of the Dark - http://www.primalinea.com/pdn/index.html
The Jacky Winter Group - http://jackywinter.com/
Rooftop Cinema - http://www.rooftopcinema.com.au
Buy Tickets - http://www.rooftopcinema.com.au/movie/39