Ellen Lets Her Shoes Do the Talking on Equal Pay Day

Ellen Nmd

Equal Pay Day is a symbolic date intended to draw attention to the gender pay gap. It represents how much further into a new year women have to work, on average, to earn the median pay of men in the previous year. For America, this year that day was April 10 — a six day increase on 2017.

To draw attention to the issue, Ellen busted out a rather fitting pair of sneakers: the black 'Holi.' Designed by Ellen's good friend , the shoes feature the word 'equality' on the left upper and the Hindi word 'sansār' on the right, which roughly translates to 'world.'

This isn't the first time that Ellen's laced up in Hu NMDs. Back in November, she shared a photo on Twitter showing a different pair with 'walk' and 'breathe' inscriptions.

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