27 Aug 2007

Industry News

Design A Sneaker Freaker Tee

Design A Sneaker Freaker Tee 1

Design a tee for SNKR FRKR!

Sneaker Freaker has teamed up with the new ideas website SuperVirals.com to ask you to design the next infamous tees in the SNKR FRKR range.

Your brief is simple: Create something unique and original! Just somehow include a reference to SNEAKER FREAKER in your design…

Your entry can be a photo, painting, drawing or computer-generated design - Just upload your idea as an IMAGE in jpg format at SuperVirals.com before September 17. That's 3 weeks people from today (27 Aug) to get your design in for the first stage. You can enter as many designs as you like so get creative!

The next stage is when all the design entries go live for viewing and for sharing between September 18 and October 8. You promote your entry, that's how the ideas get shared and checked out. The entries that get VOTED for the most will rise to the top to win! You will need to register to vote for the design you want to win and therefore produced.

So, if your design finishes in the top three they'll get produced and worn by SNKR FRKR fans across the globe!

Plus you’ll get 10 of your winning tees for free to give to your mates or to get framed and 5 issues of Sneaker Freaker magazine.

So, get YOUR idea uploaded at SuperVirals.com and get in the running to become a SNKR FRKR tee designer!

Basic entry requirements:

- Register at SuperVirals.com

- Upload your original design on SuperVirals as an IMAGE in jpg format. Dimensions are 400 pixels wide x 300 pixels high.

- Just somehow include a reference to SNEAKER FREAKER in your design

Have a look at our current range to


27 Aug 2007

Industry News

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